Image courtesy of TMDB
Watch Match Point in the Philippines: Your Guide to Enjoying the Game

Watch Match Point in the Philippines: Your Guide to Enjoying the Game

Josh Loewen
Josh Loewen
August 04, 2023

Welcome, fellow film enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a thrilling journey to uncover the various ways you can stream the mesmerizing psychological thriller, "Match Point," right here in the beautiful Philippines. So get ready to dive into the world of lust, luck, and a whole lot of suspense!

Directed and written by the one and only Woody Allen, "Match Point" is a true gem of a film that will have you questioning the very fabric of morality and greed. Starring the talented Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, and Emily Mortimer, this psychological rollercoaster revolves around a tennis pro, love affairs, and a wealthy family that all intertwine in the most captivating way imaginable. If you appreciate thought-provoking narratives and films that explore the darker intricacies of human nature, you're in for a treat!

Throughout this article, we will not only unveil the fascinating plot of "Match Point," but also guide you through the maze of streaming options in the Philippines, leaving no stone unturned. And hey, I might just have a little something up my sleeve that will elevate your streaming experience to a whole new level of convenience and flexibility. You won't want to miss it!

Image courtesy of TMDB

Streaming Services in the Philippines

Unfortunately, dear readers, as of this moment, "Match Point" is not available for streaming on any platforms in the Philippines. We understand the frustration of being unable to indulge in this cinematic masterpiece at your leisure. But fear not, for there may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon!

Stay tuned as we delve into a clever workaround that may just allow you to unlock "Match Point" through your existing streaming subscriptions. Prepare to unleash the power of virtual locations and explore the possibilities that lie beyond geographical barriers. The path to movie-watching bliss may be closer than you think!

Unlock the Thrills: Watching "Match Point" on Netflix

When it comes to streaming our favorite movies and shows, Netflix often reigns supreme. However, in the case of the tantalizing thriller "Match Point," we must deliver a humbling truth: it's currently not available on Netflix in any country worldwide. But hey, no need to lose hope just yet! Sometimes, streaming rights can be a bit finicky, and a fascinating piece of cinema like this may find its way to the platform in the future.

But fear not, dear reader! Just because it's not on Netflix doesn't mean you're completely out of luck. As we delve into the following sections, there might be another streaming service lurking in the shadows, waiting to offer you the keys to unlocking this gripping film. So, keep on reading, and let's explore all the alternative avenues available to you to experience the brilliance of "Match Point."

Unlock "Match Point" on Amazon Prime with ExpressVPN

Looking to watch "Match Point" on Amazon Prime in the Philippines? While it may not be immediately available, fear not, my friends, for there is a solution! Amazon Prime has different content libraries for different countries, and with the magic of ExpressVPN, you can unlock this gripping film.

So, where are the countries that have "Match Point" available on Amazon Prime? Let's take a look:

  • Amazon Prime (Brazil, Mexico, Spain)
  • Amazon Prime: Arthause channel (Germany)
  • Amazon Prime: Filmlegenden channel (Germany)
  • Amazon Prime: Infinity Selection channel (Italy)
  • Amazon Prime: Paramount+ channel (USA)
  • Amazon Prime: Showtime channel (USA)

Now that you know where this cinematic masterpiece can be found, let's dive into the steps to unlock it using ExpressVPN:

  1. Sign up for ExpressVPN and install the app on your device of choice - be it a phone, tablet, or even your trusty television.
  2. Connect to a server in one of the countries where "Match Point" is available. For example, if you choose Brazil, simply select a Brazilian server in the ExpressVPN app.
  3. Open up Amazon Prime, sit back, and start watching "Match Point" right now - as if by the magic of luck itself!

By using ExpressVPN, you can virtually teleport yourself to different regions, unlocking a treasure trove of content on Amazon Prime and satisfying your craving for compelling stories like "Match Point." Happy streaming!

Unlock "Match Point" on HBO Max with ExpressVPN

Psst! Looking to catch "Match Point" on HBO Max in the Philippines? Well, here's a little secret: the movie may not be immediately available here, but fear not! We've got a trick up our sleeves to unlock it using ExpressVPN.

HBO Max, known for its incredible content library, varies its offerings from country to country. Thankfully, "Match Point" is available on HBO Max in certain regions. Countries like HBO Max(Spain) are lucky enough to have this thrilling film at their fingertips.

To get in on the action and unlock "Match Point" in the Philippines, all you need is ExpressVPN. Here's how:

  1. Sign up for ExpressVPN and install the app on your preferred device – be it your trusty phone, versatile tablet, or even your beloved television.
  2. Connect to a server in one of the countries where "Match Point" is available, like HBO Max(Spain).
  3. Open up HBO Max, kick back, and start streaming "Match Point" right now! It's as easy as that!

So, grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and get ready for an exhilarating experience with "Match Point" on HBO Max, all thanks to the power of ExpressVPN!

Unlock "Match Point" on Disney+ in the Philippines

Now, I know what you're thinking. Disney+ isn't exactly known for its collection of psychological thrillers like "Match Point." But fear not, my friends! With the power of ExpressVPN, you can unlock the hidden treasure trove of content that Disney+ has to offer in different parts of the world.

So, where can you find "Match Point"? Drumroll, please! According to my sources, countries like the United Kingdom have this gripping film readily available on their Disney+ platform. And hey, don't fret if you're not in the UK. ExpressVPN has got your back.

Here's how you can watch "Match Point" on Disney+ using ExpressVPN:

  1. Sign up for ExpressVPN and install the app on your favorite devices, be it your phone, tablet, or even your trusty television.
  2. Connect to one of the ExpressVPN servers in a country where "Match Point" is available, such as the UK. It's like taking a virtual trip across the globe – without the jetlag!
  3. Open up Disney+ on your device, and voila! You now have access to the captivating world of "Match Point" and many other hidden gems.

So, put on your detective hat, grab your remote control, and get ready to immerse yourself in the twists and turns of "Match Point" on Disney+ with the help of ExpressVPN. Happy streaming, my friends!

Different Ways to Rent or Buy "Match Point" in the Philippines

Now, let's cut to the chase and explore the different streaming services that offer you the opportunity to dive into the suspenseful world of "Match Point." While our options for renting or purchasing the movie within the country may currently be limited, there are still ways to get your hands on this captivating film.

  • No streaming options available for rent within the country.
  • No streaming options available for purchase within the country.

But hey, don't despair just yet! If you happen to have a subscription with any of the popular streaming services, you can simply open up their app, make the payment, and start watching "Match Point" right now. So, go ahead and embrace the intrigue while we delve into other exciting possibilities to experience this cinematic masterpiece.

How to watch Match Point in Philippines today

Sign up for ExpressVPN and watch Match Point in Canada in 3 quick steps

Laptop Icon

Step 1

Install the ExpressVPN app and create an account.

World Icon

Step 2

Choose an ExpressVPN server in a country with the movie/show

TV Icon

Step 3

Open your usual streaming app (Netflix, Disney+, etc) on your device and enjoy your show!

Image courtesy of TMDB

A Game of Love, Lust, and Luck

Step into the twisted world of "Match Point," where the lines between desire and deceit, love and betrayal, blur into a chilling dance of morality and fate. This nail-biting psychological thriller follows the journey of Chris Wilton, a retired tennis pro from Ireland, as he navigates the treacherous path of love, money, and luck in London's elite society.

Chris's life takes an unexpected turn when he befriends Tom Hewett, a wealthy pupil at the exclusive club where Chris works as an instructor. United by their shared passion for opera, Chris is drawn into the glamorous world of the Hewett family. As he delves deeper into their world, he finds himself falling for Tom's American fiancée, the captivating Nola Rice.

The simmering tension between passion and propriety intensifies as Chris and Nola embark on a dangerous affair, driven by their insatiable lust. Meanwhile, Chris's marriage to Tom's sister, Chloe, hangs in the balance. As secrets and lies weave an intricate web, the consequences of Chris's choices become increasingly dire, posing a question of whether he can truly avoid the consequences of his actions.

The Making of "Match Point"

In the ever-evolving landscape of filmmaking, "Match Point" stands out as a unique project for the acclaimed writer and director Woody Allen. Originally set in the glamorous realm of The Hamptons, Allen was compelled to bring his tale of love, lust, and twisted morals to the vibrant streets of London due to funding constraints. This shift in location adds an intriguing layer to the film, showcasing the stark contrast between the opulence of the upper-class and the gritty reality of the city.

One notable aspect of the production is the involvement of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Films, which not only provided financial support but also influenced the decision to utilize a largely British cast and crew. This collaboration allowed Allen to maintain his creative freedom while embracing the unique energy and talent found in the UK film industry.

However, the filmmaking process hit a small hiccup when Kate Winslet, originally cast as the character Nola Rice, had to step down from the role just a week before production was set to commence. This unexpected turn of events led to the entry of the talented Scarlett Johansson, who seamlessly breathed life into the character, necessitating a swift reimagining of Nola Rice as an American. Allen's ability to adapt and make such adjustments on the fly showcases his artistic agility and commitment to delivering an exceptional film.

From the stunning backdrop of iconic London landmarks to the gritty authenticity of its street scenes, "Match Point" is a testament to Allen's prowess as a writer and director who can effortlessly navigate changes in location and cast while staying true to his vision. The film's response was a fascinating dichotomy, with critics in the United States heralding it as a triumphant return to form for Allen, while reviewers in the United Kingdom expressed reservations about the British idiom and locations. This contrasting reception only adds to the intrigue and complexity of "Match Point," solidifying its place as a captivating and thought-provoking masterpiece.


Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Chris Wilton: Portraying the complex protagonist, Jonathan Rhys Meyers delivers a captivating performance as Chris Wilton, the tennis pro entangled in a web of deceit. Known for his roles in "The Tudors" and "Velvet Goldmine," Meyers brings depth and intensity to this morally conflicted character.

Scarlett Johansson as Nola Rice: With her natural talent and undeniable screen presence, Scarlett Johansson shines as Nola Rice, the alluring struggling actress who becomes the object of Chris' affections. Johansson's notable works include "Lost in Translation" and "Marriage Story," showcasing her versatility as an actress.

Emily Mortimer as Chloe Hewett Wilton: Emily Mortimer stuns as Chloe, Chris' devoted wife who finds herself caught in the midst of an enigmatic love triangle. Mortimer, known for her roles in "Lars and the Real Girl" and "The Newsroom," brings a subtle vulnerability and strength to her character.

Matthew Goode as Tom Hewett: Playing the role of Tom Hewett, Chris' wealthy and charismatic friend, Matthew Goode adds a layer of complexity to the film. Goode's notable performances include "Stoker" and "Brideshead Revisited," showcasing his versatility as an actor.

Brian Cox as Alec Hewett: Brian Cox brings his undeniable talent to the screen as Alec Hewett, Tom and Chloe's father. With an illustrious career spanning films such as "Adaptation" and "The Bourne Identity," Cox portrays the authoritative presence of a wealthy patriarch with finesse.

Why "Match Point" Serves an Ace in the World of Psychological Thrillers

As the credits roll after watching "Match Point," you'll find yourself caught in a whirlwind of emotions and philosophical contemplation. Woody Allen's masterful storytelling takes you on a gripping journey filled with moral dilemmas, suspenseful twists, and a dose of luck that will leave you questioning the very essence of human nature. It's no wonder that this psychological thriller has garnered praise from critics and audiences alike.

While some critics in the United Kingdom may have found fault with certain aspects of the film, such as the British idiom in the dialogues, as a true enthusiast of Allen's work, I wholeheartedly embraced the British setting and its impact on the narrative. The dynamic performances by Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, and the rest of the talented cast elevate the film and draw you into their web of complex relationships and ambitions.

If you're a fan of cerebral storytelling and enjoy delving into the deeper meanings hidden within a gripping plot, "Match Point" delivers in spades. The film explores the themes of morality, greed, lust, and the role of luck in our lives, drawing parallels to Allen's earlier masterpiece, "Crimes and Misdemeanors." Prepare to be engrossed, challenged, and ultimately rewarded with a thought-provoking cinematic experience.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How can I get my hands on this gem? Well, fret not, my fellow movie lovers in the Philippines! While "Match Point" may not be readily available on your existing streaming platforms, there's a secret weapon you can deploy to unlock its full potential. Yes, I'm talking about ExpressVPN.

With ExpressVPN, you can bypass geographical restrictions and explore a world of unlimited streaming possibilities. Simply sign up for ExpressVPN and connect to a server location where "Match Point" is available. Once connected, you'll be able to use your existing streaming subscription(s) and dive into the thrilling world of this Woody Allen masterpiece.

So, don't miss out on the chance for some introspective cinema magic. Sign up for ExpressVPN today and let "Match Point" captivate you with its mind-bending tale of love, obsession, and the unseen forces that intertwine us all.

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