
Disponible sur Netflix Canada

Oui, Wakfu est maintenant disponible sur Canada Netflix. Il est arrivé pour le streaming en ligne le January 20, 2022

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Deux cents ans ont passé depuis le grand déluge qui a mis fin à l'âge des Dofus et transformé les continents de l'époque en archipels. Les eaux montent, la nature devient folle ? Des choses se sont passés, d'autres se sont terminés, mais le Wakfu, l'énergie primordiale créatrice du monde est fortement perturbée par un être mystérieux. Sur une petite île au large de la nation d'Amakna, se trouve un petit village perdu dans la forêt : Emelka. Dans ce petit village, démarre les épopées d'un jeune garçon du nom de Yugo, qui vient de découvrir ses pouvoirs, mais aussi ses origines. C'est ici que tout commence.

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Hugo Chandor
Hugo Chandor
Fanny Bloc
Fanny Bloc
Geneviève Doang
Geneviève Doang
Jules de Jongh
Jules de Jongh
Thomas Guitard
Thomas Guitard
Adeline Chetail
Adeline Chetail
Ross Grant
Ross Grant
Keir Stewart
Keir Stewart
Patrick Béthune
Patrick Béthune
Jessica Bell
Jessica Bell


Wakfu: Saison 1

The Child from the Mist
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The Child from the Mist


Grougaloragran, a mysterious and ancient entity, appears one with a baby carriage. After defeating a mysterious foe with powers over time, who wants Grougaloragran's life force, or "Wakfu", Grougaloragran comes across Alibert, who is quitting his profession as a bounty hunter after almost taking a innocent man to jail. Grougaloragran leaves the baby carriage with Alibert, believing that he will be a good father to the baby inside. He also leaves a message for the adoptive father, along with a baby Tofu (Bird). 12 years later, Alibert has opened an inn and established a small town. The boy, now called Yugo, believes himself to be a ordinary boy until he discovers that he has the ability to create portals. He puts it to the test when a monster rampages though town, ending up at his Inn. Ruel, who was passing though town, teams up with Yugo and defeats the beast, which turns out to have been a Iop possessed by a demon trapped in an item, in this case a sword known as a Shushu. Alibert, seeing Yugo's power, decides to tell him the truth: that he is adopted and that his real family is out there somewhere.

Yugo the Eliatrope
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Yugo the Eliatrope


The village is attacked by Polters, creatures that turn humans into shrubs, Yugo and his team go to the Forbidden Forest to find out why the Polters are doing this. Inside they encounter the ruler of the forest, the Soft Oak, who plans to turn all humans into trees in revenge for the destruction his forest has suffered. Amalia, a member of Yugo's party, convinces Soft Oak that not all men are like this and that only free men can protect the forests. She then heals him with magic and he agrees to turn the shrubs back into humans. In the village, Yugo and his father are attacked by the time villain from 12 years ago, now revealed to be a Xelor named Nox. Nox manipulates time to age Alibert rapidly and he calls Yugo a Eliatrope, swearing to get Yugo's Wakfu one day. Alibert, knowing that Yugo deserves to know the truth, tells him that his real family, the Eliatrope race, are out there somewhere at a place called Oma Island. Yugo's friends agree to help him find his real family and stop Nox and set off for the adventure.

The Black Crow
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The Black Crow


The group goes to Kelba's market in search of a map to begin their quest. When they arrive they find the marketplace under attack by the Black Crow. The groups learns about a shop run by Kabrok, a old adventurer who hung up his cape and became a stock boy, and Miranda, who is Kabrok's strict, but loving, wife. They have a map the group can buy, but are unable to sell thanks to the Black Crow. The heroes lay a trap for the Black Crow and are able to take him down. The Black Crow is revealed to be Kabrok, who was bored with his life, craved adventure again, and felt that attacking the local merchants was the way to get it. Kabrok and his wife sell the group a map.

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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Épisode 13

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Épisode 14

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Épisode 15

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Épisode 16

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Épisode 17

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Épisode 18

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Épisode 19

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Épisode 20

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Épisode 21

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Épisode 22

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The Quest for the Dofus
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The Quest for the Dofus


Yugo and Adamaï reach the goal of their trip finally: the secret shrine in which Grougaloragran hid his Dofus. There, they make the acquaintance of the guardian of the Dofus. But Igôle did not die, contrary to what our heroes thought...

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The kingdom Sadida is on the brink of war, getting ready for the unavoidable attack of Nox. It is necessary to prevent the clock of Xélor from teleporting to the island at all costs. Amalia and Evangelyne wait without hoping too much for the return of their companions...

I Am A Legend
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I Am A Legend


Nox and his troops land on the island. The Xélor attacks without deferring more from the purpose of his crusade: Wakfu contained in the Tree of Life. But the heart of the kingdom Sadida is protected by the colossal plant wall of the protective trees. Also the The Brotherhood of Tofu is in pursuit... Together, they well intend to hold the line.

Mount Zinit
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Mount Zinit


The line did not hold and final battle to protect the Tree of Life begins. Our heroes have a last trump: Yugo and his brother Adamaï entered the clock without Nox knowing with the crazy hope of taking over Eliacube, source of the power of the Xélor. Everything rests on their shoulders...

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Épisode 27

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Wakfu: Saison 2

Monsters and Chimeras
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Monsters and Chimeras


Yugo is reunited with his father. Evangelyne believes that Percedal isn't dead and that she hears his voice. Ruel gets in trouble while looking for treasure underground.

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Evangelyne searches for Sadlygrove and gets into a fight with Remington Smisse.

Remington Smisse
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Remington Smisse


Evangelyne goes after Remington who stole Sadlygrove.

Grovy's return
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Grovy's return


Rubilax captures Amalia, Ruel and Yugo but Evangelyne and Sadlygrove come to the rescue.

The Dragon-Pig
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The Dragon-Pig


On their way back to Sadida the gang angers the legendary Dragon-Pig.

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Yugo and Adamaï try to learn more about their people by activating the Eliacube but accidentally free Qilby.

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The group starts their new adventure by taking a cable car and has to defend it against some black ravens.

Knight Justice
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Knight Justice


Knight Justice takes Yugo and his friends prisoners because he holds them responsible for setting Rubilax free.

Rushu's World
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Rushu's World


After getting dragged into the ShuShu realm by Anathar Yugo, Sadlygrove and Remington have to fight their way out of it.

Kriss la Krass
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Kriss la Krass


Yugo defends Kriss Krass at court in Brakmar.

The Masked Boufbowler
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The Masked Boufbowler


The gang and Kriss Krass play Boufbowl to save him from losing his head.

The Mmmmmmmmmporg
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The Mmmmmmmmmporg


The Masked Boufbowler changes sides. Now they have to fight the legendary Mmmmmmmmmporg.

The Night of the Thirsters
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The Night of the Thirsters


The Pandawa people got turned into mindless zombies and nearly infest the whole group around Yguo, too.

The Voice Thief
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The Voice Thief


Ruel bets with the owner of an inn that he and his companions can stop the Voice Thief.

Wabbit Island
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Wabbit Island


Yugo and his friends fight through a dungeon to find a boat but they don't get what they expected.

The Cursed Fountain
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The Cursed Fountain


Evangelyne shows her soft side and the gang has to help to lift a curse off two lovers.

The Council ofTwelve
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The Council ofTwelve


Representatives of the twelve races gather in the Sadida Kingdom to hear Qilby's story.

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The group meets Cléophée, Evangelyne's sister.

A Fistful of Kamas
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A Fistful of Kamas


Cléophée, Ruel, Sadlygrove and Yugo search for a boot but get into trouble with some pirates.

The Zinit
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The Zinit


Qilby shows his true face to Adamaï.

The Island of the Bellaphones
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The Island of the Bellaphones


Bellaphones bewitch the boys and the girls have to save them.

The Silence of the Rings
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The Silence of the Rings


Ruel plays dead to find a legendary treasure and the gang saves another pair of lovers.

The Crimson Claws
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The Crimson Claws


Yugo and his friends arrive at Crimson Claw Island but they're not the first.

Phaeris the Powerful
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Phaeris the Powerful


Yugo meets Phaeris, another dragon, who unlocks Yugo's true powers for his fight against Qilby.

The Blank Dimension
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The Blank Dimension


Qilby tells Yugo his story and what he plans to do with the Eliacube while the other fight against Rushu.

The Eliatrope People
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The Eliatrope People


Yugo meets the Eliatrope children and together they fight Qilby.

Wakfu: Saison 3

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Épisode 1

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Épisode 2

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Épisode 3

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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Épisode 13

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Wakfu: Saison 4

Déverrouillable à Hong Kong

Épisode 1

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Déverrouillable à Hong Kong

Épisode 2

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Déverrouillable à Hong Kong

Épisode 3

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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Épisode 13

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